While reading from MaryJane's Lifebook for Farmgirls, this morning:
"Any woman who sews or knits, or weaves, blends colors in a tapestry, or creates a patchwork quilt, knows by the feel that a single thread is weak. But the weaving, the blending, the intertwining with many others makes it strong. Any woman alone without friends to sustain her, to nurture and support, to hold with loving arms, like that single thread, is weak. But the weaving, the loving, the nurturing of others, the networks of friendship, makes her strong." (The Kinship of Woman, 1994)
This quote caused me to sit back and sweetly consider the "threads" that make up my knitted life. These women are not only invaluable to my well-being...but also because of our blending together, we can be strong in the things we are called to do.
I am a girl who finds herself blessed with many strong, lovely "threads". Some are old, some are young, and some find themselves in that wonderful middle of life. Some are funny, some are serious. Some laugh easily, while others cry at the drop of a hat...some do both. Some hold my hand when I'm hurt, others lovingly call me on the carpet when I'm acting poorly. Some will come running day or night, while others are there to pray without my asking. Some use humor to get through difficulties, while others simply offer a Bible verse. Some are creative, some are musical, some are skinny, some are not....but the common thread in my threads is, they are strong!
A growing number of my "threads" are sister Doulas and Midwives. They back me up in birth. The tell their stories and teach through their experiences. They give me space to process the joys of babies arriving, and then offer rock-solid arms of support, when a birth doesn't have a desired outcome. They celebrate the power of women to do what we are created to do!
I am blessed with "family threads". Moms, Grandmothers, Aunts, Cousins, Nieces, Daughters, Sisters...all such amazing girls, these threads are! They don't care who I am, where I am, why I am, or how I am! They love me, because they just do (or they have to). We married into the family, or we are blood. We didn't get to choose each other, but had we been given the chance, we so would have!
This morning, I feel like celebrating all of you... my threads. I thank my God as I consider what you have brought into my life. I look at you, and see that God is using you, in my life, to create a tapestry that someday has the potential to be breath-taking!
If you are reading this, and you find that your "yarn basket" is glaringly empty, may I encourage you to reach out to others. God created us to crave community and friendship. Accept the gift of others!
From one thread to another~
Sheila, what a beautiful commentary on womanhood. As I'm so fond of saying, "It's fun to be a girl!" God truly has given us the gift of the sisterhood ... there's nothing else like it.
In fact, I have a draft post sitting on my blog called The Sistas, which I haven't finished yet. And the women's retreat I'm speaking at in April is about the community of women. God's reminders are everywhere to nurture our friendships.
I'm grateful to be a thread in your knitted life, as you are in mine. You are such a gentle encourager.
Sheila, this post is so beautiful! I am so thankful to have you in my life...I can not tell you how many times you have been a "comfort to my soul." You are sooo loved!
Sheila, this post is so beautiful! I am so thankful to have you in my life...I can not tell you how many times you have been a "comfort to my soul." You are sooo loved!
Love this! Love you!
Love this! Love you!
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