Saturday, May 7, 2011

Spring Cometh!

As I long to celebrate the arrival of Spring, I do so, while being down in bed with Pneumonia. I find myself feeling cranky and teary, as cough incessantly through lungs that are sick and full. I don't like hurts, and I am tired. I read how the duration of my affliction, can be weeks...even a couple months at best. That makes me more 'growly'.

As I grumble, I am quickly reminded of all the times I have been sick before, and have recovered. Or the times, those whom I love, have fought illness, and found healing. I am reminded of God's faithfulness....over and over again.

Yet, I find myself faint of strength and resolve are weak.

Do I doubt His faithfulness this time? No
Do I wonder if He is actively working His healing on my sick body? No
Do I know that He still sees me, and calls me His Beloved? Yes!

So, then can I celebrate His care, His watchful eye...His gifts? Yes!

I can celebrate Life...overflowing with Joy!
I can celebrate Healing, that is on it's way!
I can celebrate Thoughtfulness, coming from those who care for us!
I can celebrate Abundance! All our needs-supplied!
I can celebrate the Spirit of; alive in my heart, no matter the condition of my body!

I'm surprised at how joyful I actually can be! So, this illness is but a bump in the journey is much bigger than one crazy little bump. I'm going to be just fine!

And by the time I feel better, I can go out and enjoy this season of seeds, dirt, and fresh air!