This morning, in our bible study, Dr. Catherine Hart admonished us to combat the stresses of life by laughing a lot. I immediately thought of the Gaither Children's video, where George Younce sings, "The Laughing Song" ("Oh, hahahahahahahahah.....) and found myself singing it most of the day. I believe being able to truly laugh, comes from having a heart full of joy!
Life is tough. Life hurts. Life is not fair....that is just the way it goes. Barbara Johnson authored a book years ago entitled, "Pain Is Inevitable, Misery Is Optional...Stick A Geranium In Your Hat and Be Happy" I read the book, and the message has stuck with me since. Although life hurts, and pain comes unbeckoned, we can either choose to be miserable, or we can choose joy.
I choose JOY!
Webster gives joy, three definitions, and they are as follows:
1. the emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires
2. a state of happiness or bliss
3. a source or cause of delight
In my life....
I deal with the stress of being a supportive wife to my wonderful husband. I deal with the stress of raising three children, in this crazy world. I deal with the stress of parents and grandparents who are fighting physical issues. I deal with the stress of loosing loved ones. I deal with the stress of meeting the needs of my family and friends. Cars break down, tires blow, keys get lost, toes get stubbed, or in my case, broken. I burn my arm on the stove, my kids get sunburned when Mom forgets to apply enough SPF 50, and the grass burns brown when we don't get enough water on it.
My heart breaks with hurt, misunderstandings and unforgiveness. I say things I regret, and don't say things I should. I fall....I get back up....I go on. It's life.
But also in my life...
I find a love letter from the man who chose me above all others, to be his wife. I hear the sweet words from a child of mine, saying, "Hey Mom, you are the best!" I sip my coffee from a mug that says, "Lord, You fill me with JOY in Your presence." I walk outside and hear the sounds of morning, and smell the freshness of growing tomato plants and heirloom roses. I open my Bible, and read God's words to me. I witness the first breath and cries of a newborn baby, and feel the closeness of God in that very moment. I spend precious time with friends, laughing and encouraging each other to keep going. I hear my children pray. I have a personal relationship with my Father God. I sing His Praise, I worship, I love, I delight....I laugh!
Ralph Waldo Emerson said,
"To laugh often and much; to win the respect of people and the affection of leave the world a better know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is success!"
In the end, I know that success is not measured in things or accomplishments, but in how we lived and loved, how we impacted the lives of others. I want to be remembered for loving well, and laughing a lot...not for being the most stressed out woman on the planet!